Digital Project Manager
The DPM is responsible for managing the scope, timeline, budget and risks of the country rollouts. The role will require occasional travel to the rollout countries. Tasks include facilitating workshops, leading status meetings and reporting status to all relevant stakeholders.
Initially, the DPM will support with creating a best practice rollout approach to ensure we can deliver these products with a shorter time to market. The position will require very senior stakeholder management skills.
Given that a large part of the scope relates to digital solutions and activities such as business analysis, development, configuration, test and hyper care the candidate must have experiences leading teams towards launch of digital solutions, but can rely on experts for the detailed tasks.
The complexity of the project scope both when it come to localization of processes and requirements, amount of local and global stakeholders, technical and legislative complexity means the candidate must have a high administrative, communicative and structural skill. The current degree of maturity of processes will also require a degree of pragmatism and "lets do it togetherness" attitude.
Please explain how you meet all the requirements when applying.
Utilization: 100%
Location: Malmö
Period: 03-03-2025-28-02-2026
Last day to apply: 24-02-2025
We present regularly. This means that we sometimes remove the assignements from our website before the final application deadline. If you are interested in an assignement, we recommend that you submit your application as soon as possible.
- Avdelning
- Lediga konsultuppdrag
- Platser
- Malmö
Om Deploja AB
Vi är en konsultbyrå som består av drivna och branschkunniga personer i blandade åldrar med mångårig samlad erfarenhet och strävar efter att bli en komplett IT-konsultleverantör. Vi erbjuder kompetenser inom bl. a. Systemutveckling, Infrastruktur, Projektledning, Test, IT-säkerhet, Automatisering, Arkitektur, Molnplattformar till privat och offentlig sektor.
Digital Project Manager
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